CHAPTER 2: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS TM 9-2350-256-202-19 ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING-ContinuedWINCH LIGHT--ContinuedWARNINGRemove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags,bracelets, etc. If jewelry contacts a metalsurface a direct short may result in instantheating of tools, damage to equipment, andinjury or death to personnel.D Reconnect electrical accessories panel wiring harnessto electrical accessories panel. Remove four screws(1) and four lockwashers (2) and release electricalaccessories panel (3) from mounting brackets.Disconnect wire 38/518 from panel connector side of15 A circuit breaker. Place red lead of multimeter inwire 38/518 and black lead to ground. Turn MASTERswitch on and check for voltage. Turn MASTERswitch OFF. If voltage is present, go to step E. Ifvoltage is not present, repair/replace wire 38/518 ofbilge pump main power wiring harness from panelconnector to circuit breaker (see paragraph 6-84).E Reconnect wire 38/518 to panel connector side of 15A circuit breaker. Disconnect wire 38/518 from winchlight switch side of 15 A circuit breaker. Place redlead of multimeter on terminal of 15 A circuit breakerand black lead to ground. Turn MASTER switch onand check for voltage. Turn MASTER switch OFF. Ifvoltage is present, go to step F. If voltage is notpresent, replace 15 A circuit breaker (see paragraph6-9).2-264
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