TM 9--2350--292--20--20502 00--2PAYOUT LIMIT SWITCH ADJUSTMENT -- CONTINUED0502 00Adjustment--Continued6. Loosen locknut (12) on payout limit switch lever arm (8), center roller (7) over spring guide bracket lug (9).7. Tighten locknut (12).8. Loosen screw (13) on payout limit switch lever arm (8).9. Adjust payout limit switch lever arm (8) vertically until switch closes, an audible click will be heard, roller (7) makeseven contact with spring guide bracket lug (9).10. Tighten screw (13) on payout limit switch lever arm (8).11. Inhaul cable until wire rope is under tube roller (4). Verify that payout limit switch (5) is open.12. Remove main winch ground hop kit (WP 0498 00).Figure 2644548791213NOTEFOLLOW--ON MAINTENANCE:Install main winch and spade assembly (WP 0497 00)END OF TASK
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